15 day Mapacho Plant Dieta
In silence ones true voice can be heard. In isolation the true self met. The silence, rich with magic, whispers through the stillness, my true voice heard and companionship felt. It is in the depths of humility that I remember new horizons of gratitude, courage, strength and reverence. I am humbled by your teachings, Mapacho, curandero, mi amigo. Your insatiable appetite for spirit inspires and teaches as only a Master teacher can. I honor you with high reverence and deep humility. I am humbled by your spirit, I am grateful for your lessons.
Sacred Tobacco Traditions from the Amazon Basin
~Notes from the Jungle~
In silence ones true voice can be heard. In isolation the true self met. The silence, rich with magic, whispers through the stillness, my true voice heard and companionship felt. It is in the depths of humility that I remember new horizons of gratitude, courage, strength and reverence. I am humbled by your teachings, Mapacho, curandero, mi amigo. Your insatiable appetite for spirit inspires and teaches as only a Master teacher can. I honor you with high reverence and deep humility. I am humbled by your spirit, I am grateful for your lessons.
The teachings received by tobacco during my Mapacho dieta in the jungle this year were beyond any other. The 15 day dieta began on the Winter Solstice in the dark night of new moon energy of the Amazon Basin. The first 5 days I spent in silent isolation, at sunset visited only by the Shaman, Maestro David and the blessed pint of Mapacho juice to be imbibed. Confronted with the only path forward, I downed the potion in one go. This ritual took place at sunset over the first three nights. In the throws of the medicine I was greeted by the Spirit of Mapacho and granted access to his ancient ways. These teachings continue in my day to day as this plant ally allows me to access even deeper states of being.
One last note, the humor of Master Plant Teachers, in the way they teach, has been an unexpected and a welcomed offering that I love, cherish and carry forward. I am beyond grateful for the teachers in my life, both plant and human. Gracias Maestro David! The space you have created within the motherland of these Plant Medicines is like no other.
Gracias Mapacho!
Gracias Ayahuasca!
Ceremonial Use of Psilocybin and its Potential Therapeutic Effects
Now in the twenty-first century, classic psychedelics have regained attention and are finally receiving the same gold standard study’s required by science for any medicine and the results are amazing. Several promising studies have been completed and are not only validating the earlier studies but are blowing their synthetic counterparts out of the water. The primary studies we will look at here involve Psilocybin but I plan to cover even more promising studies for MDMA and Iboga in the coming articles.
Ceremonial Plant medicine use and specifically Psilocybin and other 5-Hyrdroxytryptamine agonist classic Psychedelics ( Mind-Manifesting) have been used for centuries as sacraments. From Terrence Mckenna’s Stoned Ape Theory to the 1000’s of year old Shamanic artifacts found around the world with residue of plant medicines in them, the evidence is clear that the use of these medicines as recorded in the Eleusinian Mysteries has not only been around a long time but have been central to the health and evolution of culture, society and civilization as a whole.
Just as she did then, Mother Earth continues to provide us with natural medicines from her abundant and diverse garden that is our planet. We have only began to sample and understand these medicines and what they have to offer to the individual and the collective organism. This natural pharmacy is far more diversified and offers a vast inventory of broad spectrum natural solutions to today’s dense and complex stratum of dis-ease than any corner chain pharmacy could dream of. Today, mental health is the number one dis-ease in the world and it is sadly the most overlooked in western culture and it seems it is only getting worse. The myriad of depressive and anxiety '‘dis-orders” is at a critical level and if we look back we can clearly see that the endless prescriptions being written for the new disorder or syndrome of the day is not working. The “take this pill and forget about it approach isnt working. The shadow cast by the industrial medical complex is devastating a population demonstrated by the opiod pandemic which has seen a death toll of 40 people per day and still rising. All while Purdue Pharma made over $30 million dollars per week.
In the mid- twentieth century we began putting psilocybin and other plant medicines under the microscope of science and tested them within controlled settings of the military complex and psychiatrist offices and by the late 1960s and 70’s the studies had been completely shelved due to the emerging counterculture and political backlash. Human psychedelic research was marginalized and government funding research ended followed by harsh regulation enforcement making further research impossible putting an end to nearly all human classic psychedelic studies. The overwhelming supportive data that was collected was quietly tucked away from the public. Nearly 60 years of study was lost on these medicines as a result of the political war on drugs campaign which shaped and formed a worldwide conditioned view towards these medicines and in turn veiled the amazing power that these medicines hold. In that 60 years one of the most lucrative and powerful industries in the world was diligently creating synthesized compounds as far from nature as possible and for the first time in biopharma history, a company topped the $100 billion mark in annual revenue according to Fierce Pharma’s special report on 2022 revenues. “Pfizer passed that milestone, propelled by its massive haul from its COVID-19 products. Its BioNTech-partnered vaccine, Comirnaty, raked in $37.8 billion, and oral antiviral Paxlovid made $18.9 billion.” The evidence of what COVID and the opioid epidemic did to the worlds mental health is evident and will likely and sadly bestow it’s remnants on many generations to come. The mental health of our worlds population can be seen as the sentinel chicken or pulse of this magnificent but sick organism that we call nature and which we are all an integral part of.
Now in the twenty-first century, classic psychedelics have regained attention and are finally receiving the same gold standard study’s required by science for any medicine and the results are amazing. Several promising studies have been completed and are not only validating the earlier studies but are blowing their synthetic counterparts out of the water. The primary studies we will look at here involve Psilocybin but I plan to cover even more promising studies for MDMA and Iboga in the coming articles.
In a 2022 follow up study Johns Hopkins medicine researchers showed that psychedelic treatment with psilocybin relieved major depressive disorder and mood disorder symptoms and that the large antidepressant and anxiety relieving effects of psilocybin-assisted therapy when combined with supportive integration support lasted up to a year or longer. We are not talking about taking a pill every day to get these results, this is from just one to two therapeutic doses of psilocybin. Not only is it showing amazing results for mood and depression disorders but also a range of mental health disorders and addictions. Psilocybin not only produced significant and immediate effects, it also has a long duration suggesting large decreases in depression and anxiety that last. Not only that but it shows promising results for both alcohol and tobacco addiction. Another study demonstrated that 80% of participants showed clinically significant decreases in depressed mood and anxiety and 60% showed full remission. According to Pubmed “the Long term benefits were greater for those whose psilocybin sessions subjective experiences were high in the construct of mystical-type experience, which involved the following psychological qualities: a sense of unity, a noetic quality, sacredness, positive mood, transcendence of time and space, and ineffability. No serious adverse events were attributed to psilocybin administration.” All resulted in an enduring anxiolytic and antidepressant response rates of 60%-80%. There is no synthetic drug or therapy on the market that comes close to these results!
In my personal experiences with Psilocybin I have seen these results occur within myself with profound positive effects and as I deepen my relationship with this sacred medicine and serve it to others I am blessed to witness it’s magic work for many others. Each individual called to this medicine has had their own unique life experiences and so their unfolding or the way the medicine works through them is unique. One thing I have observed after sitting with many people in the medicine space is that this medicine offers the participant the ability to see into their own internal world (clairvoyance). The deep trancendental experience is a powerful component of this medicine but this is not 100% required in order to bring profound change. The smallest awareness attained is all that’s needed. Even those tiny glimpses of the unconscious and subconscious material is enough to start an unfolding that can be life changing. All you need is that mustard seed, that tiny bit of understanding.
Integration is key for lasting results. Psychedelic Assisted therapy is not for everyone and is not a silver bullet for ones problems as it requires Will on the participants part, the will to integrate the experience to help yourself along the path. It is not recommended for those with Psychosis or Schizophrenia. Sitting with this medicine without integrating the experience into your daily life only results in a reprieve or mini mental vacation from your life with little long lasting positive effect.
The results shown from the above studies are just the tip of the iceberg of what this medicine can offer. Beyond the relief of severe trauma and self healing lies a boundless and limitless space of infinite potentiality that is necessary for the evolution and possibly even the survival of our species. From CEO’s, to Doctors, military personal to musicians and artists, the mind expanding offerings of this medicine provides an exciting and wondrous medicine that is desperately needed in this time to help shape the new and beautiful world of the coming generations and to counterbalance the current war on consciousness. Right now, a return to sovereign thought and power is necessary, there is no time to waste. A remembering of who we are and the power that we all hold within in us was systematically removed over time and It is time for us to reclaim our own consciousness and with it a better way of being in this world.
As studies progress and the findings are released we are already beginning to see the commodification of these sacred medicines. Removing molecules from the original structure that only the divine cosmic architect could create, removing the Ceremony and sacredness of these medicines. I already hear and read that if you are not using plant medicines to heal trauma then you shouldn’t be using them. Again, the healing capabilities of these medicines is only the beginning of what they can offer, the mind-manifesting, expanding potential is only limited by our own limits individually and collectively. What new and beautiful world are we capable of imagining and even more importantly what new world will we usher in?
Alchemy of the Soul
Our primary focus must now be the universal primacy of the consciousness and to free the human mind from outdated mindsets, self centered attitudes, manipulative lies and the materialistic values that are causing increasing density and polarity within the dualistic and 3D realms we currently operate within.
We live in times of great crises, a turning point or liminal space in the evolution of our planet, civilization and species. Caught in the cyclical tides of time, birth, death and rebirth. We are on the edge of the known and unknown and this is the only place that new knowing can come from. Consciousness is at the root of this global challenge and our current patterns of beliefs, values decisions and actions in the world are what will shape our destiny individually and collectively. Affecting not only the physical realm all around us but our physical and subtle energetic bodies. This is a time of identity based conflict, people seeking identity outside of themselves, Identifying or attaching to one external group or another instead of the truth. All of this fueled by the programmed algorithms of extreme polarities via the multitudes of media platforms that steal our awareness away from the here and now, distracted and disillusioned to reality. Instead of each individual experiencing within themselves the source of their own good. Realizing the truth beyond good and evil, the dualistic, beyond light and dark, beyond fight or flight, beyond truth and falsehood, beyond life and death. It is time for a reconnection and celebration of the Soul. Death of the old is a necessary element in any transformation so that it may give birth to the new. Growth is a revelation of potential rather than a creation of potential.
Our primary focus must now be the universal primacy of the consciousness and to free the human mind from outdated mindsets, self centered attitudes, manipulative lies and the materialistic values that are causing increasing density and polarity within the dualistic and 3D realms we currently operate within. The physical world is more like a condensation of consciousness. How do each of us contribute to this density of the collective conscious? An awareness to how we contribute to this factor is desperately needed if we are to shape the next epoch in a manner that not only ensures our survival but rather to begin a conscious revolution where we each direct our energy in a conscious way. It is through the consequences of Self illusion that suffering, pain and loss endure.
“You still have to learn this, to succumb to no temptation, but to do everything of your free will; then you will be free.”
~C.G. Jung
The sacrament of psychedelic plants, Plant medicines, Dream plants Breathwork and countless others to access the realms of non physical realities can spark that fire, that heat that is part of our own alchemical elixir that begins a process to maximize all of our potential and unlock our own boundless potentiality, inner wisdom and good. Unlocking and reconnecting each of us to the spirit within. The process that begins within also begins unfolding all around us in our mundane life, almost as though an energetic tether has been established between our inner world and outer world. Better expressed by the Greek Hermes Trismegistus, Thrice born or Egyptian Thoth;
“ As within, so without, as above, so below, as the universe, so the soul.”
Plant medicines combined with disciplined practices, humility, reverence and will is just one of the streams leading to the individual and collective spirit and soul. Archetypes or the original forms of everything we have ever done which we have imprinted upon the universe are readily available in these altered spaces that we are now re-learning to explore and consciously navigate. This is the living story that does not end, the story of the cosmos. We can access this and bring unconscious material up into the consciousness by navigating this stream and others. No longer is the psychedelic experience something that just happens to us, it’s now an experience to directly engage. The Ceremonial use of ancient plant medicines exponentially amplifies the nature of the plant.
The Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect
“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to the law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.
~The Kybalion~
Man shares with creation an immediate participation in the creator. Mankind as a vessel or vehicle through which spirit can work through. This requires us or the (I) to get out of the way, removing self sabotage behaviors and patterns both individually and collectively. The countless alchemical writings, glyphs and hidden symbols carried by the eternal currents of streams of knowledge, hidden in plain site by almost all religious text all speak to this inner work, the work of the Philosophers Stone, Transmuting lead into gold. The lead in this case being the rough outer shell of the stone, our more animalistic nature of which can be brought to our awareness and refined/transmuted or alchemized into gold or Christos, a pure consciousness. This process of re - membering, to reassemble the members back to the whole, unlocks access to our higher true self, and wisdom that we carry with us lifetime to lifetime.
The practice of experiencing god or source, call it what you will, through our own experiences by various modalities has been practiced and recorded since we learned to write and make symbols on cave walls. When this is combined with the ability to extract the wisdom from our experiences to nourish our psyche, we can begin our own integration process into the new limitless epoch that awaits us, consciously shaping and refining this new era. The message transmitted within the Piscine age was the beginning of our understanding of this teaching, the work of the Philosopher’s Stone was completely lost and hidden within the power structures of the dogmatic religious institutes we all know well. The solutions to the errors of the old system may be better found in the open space between the words and the mind. In that space of deafening silence. The place beyond thought and the mind. The space that Pythagorus, Tesla, Einstein, Paracelsus and many countless others write about. The place beyond thought and the limited language structure. When the noise falls away the signal becomes much clearer.
Now, more than ever, it is important for each of us to reconnect with our inner guide or intuition and to listen and see with the ears and eyes of the conscious rather than only that of the five physical senses. This current time between the old crumbling system and the new world to be created offers an immense opportunity for us all to partake in. What world will we build? Will we learn from the failures of the past and use them along the journey upward for the good of ourselves and others or will we succumb to the resistances of the old programs within and without. of systems old? The way forward and the knowledge needed is there for us all if we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear it.
We are light beings at our most fundamental levels. We have been given a gift as we transition from one epoch to the next, an opportunity, this gift that is being showcased is the extreme polarities of our dualistic world that we have all created up to this point. Each of us has taken part in the creation of it and continue to take part in it due to varying levels of conditioning, some of us in deeper ways than others. This opportunity has been cosmically placed at our feet for us all to see and begin the work of evolving our conscious awareness and capabilities as individuals, collectively and as part of the evolution of the entire cosmic organism that each of us hold important places within.