Who looks outside, dreams: who looks inside, awakes.
C.G. Jung
Ceremonial Breathwork Session
Breath is the medicine…
1 .5 hrs
The powerful medicine of breath is utilized in this one on one session.
Breathwork, also known as Pranayama is the yogic practice of focusing on breath and is an ancient practice of breath which translates from the Sanskrit word as Prana (Life Force) ayama (expansion/extension). Breath is life, and not only sustains consciousness but guides and directs the vital force through certain channels in the body which starts to ease dis-ease in the body, promoting balance and harmony in the mind, body and soul.
Ceremonial breathwork is centered around ceremony and utilizes shamanic practices from around the world allowing for gentle, yet powerful healing on ALL planes of existence. Your guide is trained in space holding and the utilization of acupressure points as needed in the session. The unique Ceremony breath technique allows for hyper oxygenation of the physical body unlike other techniques allowing one to reach profound states of consciousness. There is a reason that nearly all religious text speak about the sacred power of the breath.
Group Breath Ceremonies available.
3 hr Guided Breath Medicine Journeys available; contact for info.
Email: info@whiterabbitcollective.net
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Contact us:
(405) 761-6981