Who looks outside, dreams: who looks inside, awakes.
C.G. Jung
Colorado Medicine Retreats
Who looks outside, dreams: who looks inside, awakes.
C.G. Jung
Join us in a state that supports legal exploration of Plant Medicines in a safe and natural space with a trained and experienced Medicine Carrier.
Day 1: Day- Arrival by 12pm, Breathwork Session. Evening/Night- Psilocybin Ceremony.
Day 2: Day- Breathwork Session, Optional Hapé, Breath, Cold plunge experience. Evening/Night: Entheogen Heart Medicine Ceremony.
Day 3: Morning Integration & Farewell . Departure by 12pm.
You are invited to join us for a beautiful fusion of Plant Medicine and Breathwork for a deep dive into the exploration of inner healing, expansion and inner peace while connecting with the Self and Nature.
The Retreat land is its own medicine and is Sacred Native land nestled in the pines of the Sangre De Cristo Mountains in Crestone, Colorado. Home to high mountain lakes and waterfalls. Beneath Crestone is one of Mother Earths natural flows of energy, the largest water aquifer in North America which lies on top of a bed of crystals. Dominated by the Crestone Group, a stretch of 14,000 foot peaks that majestically tower over the San Luis Valley. Crowned by Crestone peak, the most Sacred Mountain of the Hopi and to the South Mt. Blanca the most Sacred Mountain for the Navajo, seperated only by the Great Sand Dunes.. The San Luis Valley to the West, known by Native Americans as the bloodless Valley, a place of Powwow, connection and healing, with never a battle fought, has been for centuries a gathering place for Medicine Men and Women of different tribes to gather for connection. The San Luis Valley is the largest high desert valley in the world. A natural Vortex flow of energy dominates the area The land also sits in a designated dark sky area and boasts beautiful stargazing opportunities.
The uniquely balanced energies and fluid flow of Earth/Air/Fire/Water of Crestone unite into the powerful Vortex energy that permeates the area.
What is included in 3 day/2 night retreat:
Luxury retreat space, Meals, Breathwork, Integration, community, safe + trained + experienced guides, 3 days/2 nights of Medicine Ceremony.
We believe everyone should have access to these amazing plant ally medicines and the power of breath!
If you are able to donate extra and pay it forward for others to attend, there is an invitation to do so.
If you have not attended a Ceremony with White Rabbit, an intro call will be scheduled upon your deposit and a preparation email will be sent once intro call has been completed.
White Rabbit Collective is committed to sharing the Medicine of conscious breath fused with plant Medicines in a ceremonial setting so that each individual can experience their own unfolding unique to their journey, unveiling and reuniting them with their true, higher self so that we may move into the realm of boundless, limitless expansion. We are committed to setting and holding a pure and Sacred space to support each individual who finds themSelf on the journey of Self-discovery and inner exploration.
To reserve your Colorado Medicine Retreat click the link below:
$2,500.00 – Private 1:1 - 3 day/2 night Colorado Plant Medicine Retreat
$3,500 – Couples 3 day/2 night Colorado Plant Medicine Retreat
$950.00 – Group Ceremony 3 day/2 night Colorado Plant Medicine Retreat (Group Size 5 or more) Price Per Person.
White Rabbit Collective
Integration Session
30 min. to 1 Hr.
Integration is done after the medicine journey. This can be done over the phone or via online video platform. Integration focuses on how the themes and experiences within the journey session can be implemented into action and integrated into daily life, resulting in meaningful change. This provides a safe space to share experiences without the fear of interpretation or diagnostic labels. Practical guidance is provided on how to balance mystical and transformative experiences that occur within the journey. Integration goes hand in hand with the guided medicine journey and is required.
“We must recognize that it is one of humanities most sacred privileges to come to our own conclusions.”
Rudolf Steiner
Private Ceremonial Breathwork Session
The Breath is the medicine…
1 hr
The powerful medicine of breath is utilized in this 1:1 private Breathwork Ceremony.
Breathwork, also known as Pranayama is the yogic practice of focusing on breath and is an ancient practice of breath which translates from the Sanskrit word as Prana (Life Force) ayama (expansion/extension). Breath is life, and not only sustains consciousness but guides and directs the vital force through certain channels in the body which starts to ease dis-ease in the body, promoting balance and harmony in the mind, body and soul..
Ceremonial breathwork is centered around ceremony and utilizes shamanic practices from around the world allowing for gentle, yet powerful healing on ALL planes of existence. The space is opened with a directional invocation and utilizes the burning of sacred incense and woods assisting in energy clearing as well as the use of sacred oils.
The unique Ceremonial breath technique allows for hyper oxygenation of the physical body unlike other techniques allowing one to reach profound states of consciousness. There is a reason that nearly all religious text speak about the sacred power of breath.
Schedule a Session: https://whiterabbitcollective.as.me/BreathworkCeremony
Group Breath Ceremonies available.
Book A Session
Ready to experience it for yourself or just want more information?
Contact us:
(405) 761-6981