Monthly integration is held in the evening on the first Monday of each month (unless otherwise stated). Integration is a key part of any medicine experience, whether it be the medicine of breath or alternative medicines. The journey itself is not enough to make lasting changes in one’s life. Our monthly integration is open to anyone who has attended any of our sessions in person or online. It is also open to anyone who has not attended one of our sessions but feels they could benefit from integration and support. You are invited to join our monthly integration as many times as you wish. We are a community of support and growth. Group integrations are known to improve outcomes, as we work to incorporate the teachings we receive in our journeys to making lasting changes in our lives.
Zoom Info for Monthly Integration:
White Rabbit Collective is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Monthly Integration Meeting
Time: Every first Monday of the month @ 07:30 PM CST
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 6852 1708