In the end the shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty forever beyond its reach.
- J.R.R Tolkien
We are committed to sharing the Medicine of conscious breath fused with plant Medicines in a ceremonial setting so that each individual can experience their own unfolding unique to their journey, unveiling and reuniting them with their true, higher self so that we may move into the realm of boundless, limitless expansion. We are committed to setting and holding a pure and Sacred space to support each individual who finds themSelf on the journey of Self-discovery and inner exploration.
A person can lose their natural rhythm and the capacity to gain true insights about one’s self. Through conscious breath and plant medicine, one is able to calm the mind, go within and begin to walk along their own path to healing, sovereign thought and being.
Utilizing the power of time honored plant medicines, intention, time proven breath-techniques (Pranayama) within the guided medicine journey, we promote heightened awareness of one’s self and increasing conscious awareness with your own true nature and higher self.
“The last of the human freedoms is man’s ability to choose his disposition or attitude in any given situation.” -Manley P. Hall
Learn more about White Rabbit Collective & the sessions we offer.